Concert programme 2024 "Home"

The English term "Home" can be translated into German as "Heim", "Haus" or "Zuhause", as well as "Heimat". The SSWO explores the diverse associations and feelings that arise from these terms in its 2024 "Home" concert programme.

Experience musical sketches about the majestic landscape of the Appenzellerland, the great twists and turns of life, the pulsating city of New York, about changing perspectives, the tingling feeling of new beginnings as well as the colourful description of crises and the associated hope for peace.

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Commissioned work 2024

This year's SSWO commission goes to Lucerne composer and pianist Luzia von Wyl (*1985), whose preference for special rhythms, odd time signatures and colours make her compositional style unique. Von Wyl succeeds in creating complex but accessible, melodious but not banal, jazzy but not abstract art. The young musician draws inspiration for her SSWO composition from New York, where she lived for a year. "A city that inspires me a lot and that I miss. My home has always been Switzerland and yet New York has become a bit of a second home for me, far away from home," says von Wyl.

Fantasie über eine Appenzeller Volksweise

Paul Huber (1918-2001)
Inst. Carlo Balmelli


David Maslanka (1943-2017) 

Fifth Avenue (Louboutin Sells Horns Now)

Luzia von Wyl (*1985)
SSWO composition



Fabian Künzli (*1984)
New version for the SSWO

Home away from Home

Catherine Likhuta (*1981)

The Colors of Tali

Thomas Doss (*1966)